Pretziada is a creative practice, based on the island of Sardinia, Italy, that promotes the heritage of a territory through words, photography and a collection of design objects made with local artisans.
The collection is made up of culturally relevant pieces that celebrate the history of Sardinian craft. Pretziada is dedicated to forging new human connections through interdisciplinary artistic action, building invisible bridges between the island and the rest of the world.
Kyre Chenven, a native Californian, and Ivano Atzori, Milanese by birth, moved to the southwest corner of Sardinia in 2016 to begin working with artisans on resuscitating local craft. Kyre worked for years as a set designer in New York, while Ivano comes from the world of graffiti and contemporary art.
Together they work symbiotically as cultural translators: writing and photographing the particularities of the island, proposing new designs of classic pieces and hosting short anthropological residencies with international creatives to produce original designs - all the while assisting the artisans to shape their future trajectory.
Research and narration are at the heart of their practice.